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Storyline Submission Rules and Information

Posted: 14 Feb 2025, 12:47
by SalyaDarken
[banner photo]
General Storyline Information
  1. All storylines must be submitted for review in the Storylines Section and approved by ??? before roleplaying.
    Please note: RP Staff or SalyaDarken and her partner, and the storyline creators may post replies in a storyline submission thread. Otherwise, please put any comments in the storyline's OOC board!
  2. Storylines submitted for review must follow the proper Storyline Submission Form listed below.
  3. Storylines should be fully completed to the creator's best ability before being submitted for review. OOC boards are the perfect place to begin working on a storyline!
  4. There are two types of Storylines: Relaxed and Lore! If you are unsure what that means, check out the differences between the two down below!
  5. Once a storyline is reviewed & approved by Staff, the final form of your storyline submission will also be your first/opening post in your storyline roleplay thread.
  6. Once a Storyline is approved, you may now begin the roleplay by posting in the appropriate section in the RPG Forums! Anyone who has an approved character that is in accordance with the Character Guidelines can now post as well.
  7. If a storyline goes inactive, it will be moved to the Graveyard. For information on the graveyard click here.
  8. If you ever have any questions at all, please contact any of the RPG staff or Salya!
Storyline Submission Form
Note! The Storyline Creator (or one of the storyline creators) should post the following form, completed, in the Storylines section with the title of topic being [Lore]"Name of Storyline" or [Relaxed]"Name of Storyline"; the tag [Storyline Submission] may be added after the storyline name.
Storyline Submission wrote: Storyline Name: What your RP is called.
Creator(s): Your name goes here! (or the name of anyone who helped create the plot!)
Forum: Which board where this RP will take place at.
Lore or Relaxed: See below
Plot Summary: Tell us about what you want to happen throughout the RP! It's okay to be a little vague to keep up the mystery for other players, but you should have a clear idea of how you want the RP to advance and, eventually, end! This makes it much easier to keep on track whilst roleplaying! Feel free to be as detailed as you like!
Details on any necessary information: Any information that doesn't quite fit into a plot summary but is still important to know for the story and plot!
Restrictions: Such as which characters can or cannot join due to plot purposes, etc. For example: "Only Northern Guards (Paladins)" would be a kind of restriction.
OOC Thread: Please link to the OOC board created for this RP. If players are using PM's for your OOC board, please state "PM".
Member to Character List:
Please list the names of the players and a link to their character's profile in this section (Or, if the profile is still in the works, then just list the character they intend to play! We highly suggest keeping this list up-to-date to make it easier for all players!)
Please Note:
  • New storylines requiring 5 or more characters will not be reviewed until at least 3 players have signed up to take on roles. Creators will need to create an OOC Board (or open a Discord discussion as OOC) to attract members prior to approval.
  • 1-on-1 RPs (meaning an RP between only 2 players) will need both players signed up and ready to RP before the Storyline will be reviewed.
These rules has been added to save the creator time and energy, as they will only need to take on this approval process after gaining the knowledge that their storyline will be played!
Blank Code Form:

Code: Select all

[b]Storyline Name:[/b]
[b]Advanced or Relaxed:[/b]
[b]Plot Summary:[/b]
[b]Details on any necessary information:[/b]
[b]OOC Thread:[/b]
[b]Member to Character List:[/b]
Note on Lore vs Relaxed
Although Relaxed and Lore Storylines use the same Storyline Submission Form, Lore Submissions are required to have a bit more details than Relaxed. Why, Well Lore RPs are the rps that help build up Elyasia's lore as the Relaxed RPs are just for fun, mostly. If, after approval and play, a storyline would like to switch from Relaxed to Lore, the storyline creators may make that request in their Storyline Submission thread.

Example of the same storyline submitted twice - Relaxed vs Advanced:
Storyline Name: Mira is sad [Arc 01]
Creator(s): Salya
Forum: Southern Castle
Lore or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: Mira is sad since Sinta is still hurt and is in the northern lands. She misses her fox but can her other Knights cheer her up?
Details on any necessary information: None
Restrictions: Use only Arc 01, Southern guards.
OOC Thread: imaginary link
Member to Character List:
SalyaDarken -> Mira
Soren - Open
Heei - Open
Chrono - Open
Inuyasha - Open
Mathia - Open
Storyline Name: Mira is sad [Arc 01]
Creator(s): Salya
Forum: Southern Castle
Lore or Relaxed: Lore
Plot Summary: Mira is sad since Sinta is still hurt and is in the northern lands. However how would the Knights cheer her up until the fox returns?
Details on any necessary information: At some point in the RP, Sinta will return back to the south.
Restrictions: Use only Arc 01, Southern guards.
OOC Thread: imaginary link
Member to Character List:
SalyaDarken -> Mira
Soren - Open
Sinta - Open
Heei - Open
Chrono - Open
Inuyasha - Open
Mathia - Open
Note: I used Arc 01 Chapter 11 for those. If a RP staff member would like to change and do something better, please let me know.

First Post Rules and Information
Once your storyline has completed the process and has been approved:
  1. Copy Your Approved Storyline Submission Post - the first post of your submissions thread (you can take away all the different colors if you colored changes throughout the process, etc.,). The easiest way to do this is to go into editing that post, hit 'ctrl+a' to select all the text, and copy it.
  2. Paste that Approved Storyline into a new thread in the Forum you requested. For example, if your RP takes place in Northern Castle, then go to the Northern Castle boards, create a new thread, and paste it there.
  3. Entitle that Thread based on the Status [Lore] or [Relaxed], followed by the Storyline Name and when it takes place in. [before the story], [Arc00], [Arc 01] (if it's in the Free form board then you don't have to.)
    You can add a description if you'd like! (to make it spicyyyy)
  4. Make sure to update the Player to Character list as more players/characters join! Do Not Forget to link profiles to the character names! It makes it easier on everyone if they can click and get to that profile without having to search through the OC threads or the Canons profiles posts.
Note: You may delete some fields from your Approved Submission Form to make your first post neater! You may also add in pictures, awards, etc!

However, the following fields must be present at all times!
Storyline Name: [an image with the name may replace this]
Storyline Submission: Link to the accepted thread
Plot Summary:
Details and Necessary Information:
Might I suggest throwing this into a spoiler to clean up your first post? Spoilers are totally acceptable~
OOC: Link to the thread
Member to Character List: