Here's what artists need to know how to do: (some not all.)
- Animals- mostly birds, foxes, wolves, and dogs. Other night show up.
- Canon characters - Characters from the anime and games used here. ex: Inuyasha.
- Dragons or any Mythical animals
- Groups of 3 or more characters.
- Humoniods forms of characters with animal parts, such as ears, tails and wings.
- Pairings and couples
- Slight adult themes. such as sex, rape, death, kidnap, etc
- light nude theme. meaning show hints of nudity. exp. x and X
- Scenes. like anime screenshots. Like: this from YYH
- Wallpapers 800 by 600, 1280 by 600 and 1366 by 768
- Icons 100 by 100
- Signatures 500 by 250
- Renders/Pngs
- Buttons 88 by 31
PM me this:
Code: Select all
<b>Name:</b>Name name or put N/a if you don't want to tell.<br>
<b>Pen-name:</b>Pen-name or Nickname<br>
<b>Age:</b>Real Age or year of birth<br>
<b>Gender:</b> Female/Male/don't matter<br>
<b>Skills:</b> your skills<br>
<b>Job on Elyasia:</b> Artist or Designer<br>
<b>a bit about yourself:</b> one 5 line para or two small paras<br>
<b>Favorite Character on Elyasia:</b> who?<br>
<b>Favorite chapter/one-shot:</b> if any<br>