Welcome to the land of Elyasia
Elyasia is an original based Fanfiction written by Salya with help from others.Elyasia is about a realm called Elyasia that ruled by two princesses. Years before Mira and Lyra became the rules of the lands, the realm was ruled by a male only for that to end with a 50 years of Dragon Wars. In short, Only two females can keep peace in this realm.
In this realm, you can find Dragons who live as humans(with long lives), demons of different kinds, Mages/Sages, Royal family, and more.
Elyasia's idea came from an old Fanfiction called Otherworld that was written by Lin. You will read some things alike Otherworld but a lot original. Please don't think we are stealing from that fanfic.
The story has Sexual themes and Sences.
There are also a lot of Warnings that might be too hard to handle. (I.E. Rape, Death, War Etc)

News/update details:
Hey guys. Small news blog, No updates right now but I'll edit and add any updates later.
So here's the deal. I still have no ideas for Chapter 12 and I don't feel like adding any of Lin's Otherworld right now. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm collecting photos in a folder for any future editor to edit for Elyasia. I will have the folder set up by characters, groups, and etc. I will type up editing notes for each character. I what to make things easy for anyone that helps out by editing photos.
If you can edit photos by Gimp or PS, let me know if you would like to join the staff and help out. If you don't wish to join by will would like to help out, then that is find too. Just drop me an email or DM on Discord.
Still looking for staff!
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Random AMVany AMV that has to do with the demons or any fandub used in this story. Feel free to make and send in AMVs you want to see here. I'll change AMVs once in a while when I find one that works.Theme: Inuyasha Last update: 01/16/2025 |
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