Magic in Elyasia

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Magic in Elyasia

Post by SalyaDarken »

Magic is Elyasia is everywhere. No one is sure where it came from but books written in Elyasia say it's from the Dragons. So everyone can use some magic but some races have more mana pool then others. Mages and Witches aka Magic users have high mana pools. Dragons have the highest mana pool.

Here is a list of Magic and Spells that are used in Elyasia.
Note: All spells are based on Final Fantasy games.

Black Magic: Can be learned by reading black magic books or notes.
Lvl 1 - Black Magic I Image
Fire - Deal light fire magic to one target.
Blizzard - Deal light ice magic to one target.
Thunder - Deal light lightning magic to one target.
Water - Deal light water magic damage to one target.
Stone - Deal light earth magic damage to one target.
Sleep - Put one target to Sleep.
Poison - Poison one target.
Confuse - Confuse one target.
Blind - Blind one target.
-Event ???- Image
Fireball - Deal fire damage to all targets.
Rain Call - Deal water damage to all targets.

Lvl 2 - Black Magic II Image
Fira - Deal fire magic damage to one target.
Blizzara - Deal ice magic damage to one target.
Thundara - Deal lighting magic damage to one target.
Watera - Deal water magic damage to one target.
Stonera - Deal earth magic damage to one target.
Bio - Deal light poison magic to one target, with a small chance to Poison it
-Event Hidden Black Magic books- Image
Ruin - Deal light non-elemental magic damage to one target.
Snowball Flurry - Deal ice damage to all targets.
Lightning - Deal lightning damage to all targets.

Lvl 3 - Black Magic III Image
Firaga - Deal heavy fire magic damage to one target.
Blizzaga - Deal heavy ice magic damage to one target.
Thundaga - Deal heavy lighting magic damage to one target.
Waterga - Deal heavy water magic damage to one target.
Stonerga - Deal heavy earth magic damage to one target.
Biora - Deal moderate poison magic to one target, with a small chance to Poison it
-Event ????- Image
Dark - Deal dark damage to one target.
Gravity - Reduce one target's remaining HP by half.
Comet - Deal non-elemental magic damage to one target.
Drain - Deal magic dark damage and steal HP from one target. (30% heal)
Blindga - High chance to Blind one target

Lvl 4 - Black Magic IV Image
Firaja - Deal massive fire magic damage to one target.
Blizzaja - Deal massive ice magic damage to one target.
Thundaja - Deal massive lightning magic damage to one target.
Waterja - Deal massive water magic damage to one target.
Stoneja - Deal massive earth magic damage to one target.
Bioga - Deal heavy poison magic damage to one target. with a small chance to Poison it.
-Event ????- Image
Darkra -Deal heavy dark damage to one target.
Break -Small chance to Petrify one target.
Quake -Deal earth magic damage to all targets.
Drainga -Restores HP to user equal to 30% of damage dealt
Ruinga - Deal moderate non-elemental magic damage to all targets.

Lvl 5 - Black Magic V Image
Flare - Deal massive non-elemental magic damage to one target
Meteor - Deal massive non-elemental magic damage to all targets.
Tornado - Deal four magic wind attacks to one target. Deals heavy damage

Lvl 6 - Black Magic VI Image [This book is rare and only able in Events]
Ultima - Deal massive non-elemental attacks to all targets.
Meltdown - Deal devastating magic fire, wind, and earth attacks to all targets.
Voltech - Deal devastating magic ice, water, and lightning attacks to all targets.
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Magic in Elyasia

Post by SalyaDarken »

White Magic
Lvl 1 - White Magic I Image
Cure - Restore a small amount of HP to one target.
Vox - Remove Silence from one target.
Poisona - Remove Poison from one target.
Blindna - Remove Blind from one target.
Protect - Give one target Protect, doubling Defense.
-Event ???- Image
Shell - Give one target Shell, doubling Resistance.
Silence - Silence one target.
Slow - Slow one target, reducing ATB gauge charge rate.

Lvl 2 - White Magic II Image
Cura - Restore some HP to one target.
Regen - Give one target Regen, restoring HP over time.
Stona - Remove Petrify from one target.
Hold - Paralyze one target.
Dia - Deal light holy damage to one target.

Lvl 3 - White Magic III Image
Curaga - Restore a large amount of HP to one target.
Silencega - Silence one target with a high chance of success.
Haste - Give one target Haste, increasing ATB gauge charge rate.
Esuna - Remove all debuffs from one target.
Diara - Deal holy magic damage to one target.
Dispel - Remove positive status effects from one target.
Berserk - Give Berserk to one target.
Faith - Temporarily increase the Magic of one target.
-Event ???- Image
Renewing Cure - Restore a moderate amount of HP and grant Regen to one target.
Memento of Prayer - Temporarily increase the Magic of one target.
Reflect - Temporarily increase the Magic of one target.
Grace - Temporarily raise the Mind of one target a small amount.
Water of Might - Temporarily increase the Attack of one target.

Lvl 4 - White Magic IV Image
Curaja - Restore a very large amount of HP to one target.
Protectga - Give all targets Protect, doubling Defense.
Shellga - Give all targets Shell, doubling Resistance.
Slowga - Slow one target with a high chance of success.
Diaga - Deal heavy holy magic damage to one target.

Lvl 5 - White Magic V Image
Holy - Deal massive holy magic damage to one target.
Ultra Cure - Restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and cast Esuna on them.
Hastega - Give all targets Haste, increasing ATB gauge charge rate.
De'Dia - Deal light holy damage to one target with a chance to lower its Holy resistance.

Lvl 6 - White Magic VI Image
Curada -Restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and automatically heal additional damage taken.
Holyja -Deal white magic holy attacks to all targets.
De'Diaja - Deal heavy holy damage to one target with a chance to lower its Holy resistance.
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Magic in Elyasia

Post by SalyaDarken »

Rare Magic that only a select few can use. (Staff only or can be only learned from events)
Time manipulation - fast forwarding or reversing time
resurrection/revival - bringing someone fully back from the dead as their normal self [Only Salya can use... she doesn't have a oc set to use this.]
Necromancy - Using the undead for things
Death - killing spell. [banned but one known character may know it.]
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