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Post by SalyaDarken »

Here is our FAQ and not the one that comes with Phpbb forums. PM SalyaDarken if you have questions.

10 Qs per post.

Are you trying to create a world that is a combination of different animes? (Inuyasha, yuyu hackasho, others) or is it more like alternate reality with the characters as inspiration?

It's a original realm like world. It as characters from the said show/games but some are AU versions of them selves. It depends on the characters.

if it's Panfandom, is it like isekai for characters from other franchises? or is it restricted based on what you've already decided for your fic?

It's a mixed of both. Most are reborn in Elyasia or came from one of the 4 realms linked to Elyasia. Like Cloud from FF7. He as well as any character from Final Fantasy would die in their own world but get reborn or Isekai into Elyasia. OR the player of that canon can just say they way are original from Elyasia. It's up in the air right now. You can just ask about the canon you wish to play. If a canon can't be worked into Elyasia's setting. Then make an oc and use them as a face claim.
Exps: Inuyasha came from the demon realm. As Soren was changed to be born in Elyasia. Kelin/Kumai is a original using Kumai from Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
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