The table will be more like this:
Staff | Events | Links | Featured Roleplay |
Staff links with small 50x50 box with a sprite of their choice. Or we can copy how GC did theirs but we won't be using Sailor Moon but sprites that are in the shop. | similar to them, but I think I would only do three events. Site, RP and Prompt. There will be monthly events for all three. Site wide event, Role Play event and a monthly Prompt. | This box will hold all helpful links. Like links to the Game hall, Main site, forum rules, RP Rules and such. The newbie pack will also be here. | Similar to them. One Roleplay that gets the most votes. Staff will pick 4-5 random rps and do a poll. So you all get to pick. This will be updated monthly. |
Here are the graphics that we will use:

Colors behind the sprite will be two of the staff member's fav colors as the sprite will be of their choice. As long as it's not SM. I don't really care. I might try adding magic rings to the colors but who knows.
Events graphics will be a 50x80 icon similar to GC.
Links will be listed as linked texts in a smaller table. Yes a table in a table. lol
The RP graphic will be the same as events but will have the pairing or one of the characters in the rp.