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Step 1: Welcome to the Guild

A building that was build for any guild member that loves Art and Graphic Designs. Whether you want to share your secrets with others, teach a new technique, or learn something new, this is the place for you! Click here to learn how to join!
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Step 1: Welcome to the Guild

Post by SalyaDarken »

Welcome members to our Artists and Graphics Guild building.
Here is your go-to place to improve your artistic skills whether it is graphics or drawing!
Before you continue with your artistic journey, there are a few things you need to keep in mind, please click the links bellow to read everything you need to know.
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Step 1: Welcome to the Guild

Post by SalyaDarken »

The Guild building Rules
  1. Be kind and respectful to the other guild members
    We are all a family here and we are all here to learn from one another. We would like a safe environment for all to share. Please keep in mind the Rules and CoC when posting.
  2. Do not post something that is not your creation
    Do not use somebody else's art and claim it as your own. That is not fair to the original artist(s) and creates unneeded drama. Similarly, do not post a cosplay and claim it is you, if in fact it isn't.
  3. All Artists Rules apply to this guild
    That means certain things can and can't be displayed here. Please refer to the rules of the artists section to read up on those.
  4. Please accurately title and tag your thread
    Please tag your thread depending on its content. To learn more about it please check How 'to's information.
  5. Any type of graphics are allowed here!
    Like any type is allowed. If you are not sure about something, just ask the guild Leader or Salya.
  6. Do NOT bash anyone for race, sexuality, or weight issues. We are not here to judge others.
  7. Constructive Criticism
    We welcome constructive criticism here, not "plain-old" criticism because it is more faultfinding than helpful. Please be mindful of this! The artist is allowed to choose if they want others to give constructive criticism to their work. If you want to know more information about how to give constructive criticism please click here.
  8. Member Issues
    If you have a problem with a certain member, please do not take action in a thread in the guild. Please, politely PM them on what worries you and if the situation spirals out of control, please send a detailed message to either of your Guild Leader.
  9. Thread Logging
    All tutorials, resources, Q&A's, classes, etc. will be logged in several threads depending on what you are looking for:
    1. Artists & Graphics Resource Index Thread ~ Your go to place to find all resources regarding Arts & Graphics.
    2. Artists & Graphics Index Thread ~ All your questions and their answers, help, discussions and miscellaneous will be compiled here.
    3. Classes, Workshops & Tutorials Index Thread ~ The place for compilation of all tutorials done specially for this forum also all classes and workshops.
    4. Cosplay Index Thread ~ Your go to place to find all questions with their answers, discussions, help, resources and miscellaneous.
    All tutorials and resources will be properly credited to the maker. If you'd like to submit a resource site feel free to message Salya or Guild Leader.
  10. Have fun! - why yes, this is required.
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Step 1: Welcome to the Guild

Post by SalyaDarken »


Artist & Graphics


How To Title Your Thread

Titling your thread helps organize the group and makes it easier for the Guild Leaders to put threads in the Guild Thread Index.

Tutorial Thread

Title: Tutorial: {name of what you're teaching}
Art & Graphics Example: [Tutorial] How to make GIFs
Cosplay Example: [Tutorial] How to make your own wig

Critique Request

Title: Critique wanted: {cosplay/art/graphic}
* Note: Please state in the OP what you're looking for within a person's critique. Once you feel as if you've received enough constructive criticism, contact your guild leaders to lock your critique thread.
Art & Graphics Example: [Critique Wanted] Manga coloring
Cosplay Example: [Critique Wanted] Sailor Venus Cosplay

Resource Thread

Title: Resource(s): {brushes for X program, textures, etc.}
Art & Graphics Example: [Resources] Photoshop Brushes
Cosplay Example: [Resources] Cosplay Inspirations


Title: Contest: {name of contest}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Contest] Last Icon Maker Standing
Cosplay Example: [Contest] Halloween Cosplay Contest


Title: Challenge: {name of challenge}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Challenge] 100 icons challenge
Cosplay Example: [Challenge] Villain Costume Challenge


Title: Class: {name of class}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Class] {your name}'s Header Class
Cosplay Example: [Class] {your name}'s Cosplay Class


Title: Game: {name of game}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Game] Say something about the signature above you
Cosplay Example: [Game] Guess that cosplay


Title: Help: {issue}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Help] How do I resize this image?
Cosplay Example: [Help] How to make odango wigs?


Title: Discussion: {Topic}
Art & Graphics Example:: [Discussion] What's your strength in graphic making?
Cosplay Example: [Discussion] Cosplay Cons


For everything else that doesn't fit in the above categories!

How To Take A Screen Shot
PC wrote:PrtSc (print screen)
Then go to paint or photoshop and paste it there!
Mac wrote:Command + Shift + 3
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Step 1: Welcome to the Guild

Post by SalyaDarken »

What is constructive criticism?
Here are some definitions:

:bow: Is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve the outcome.
:bow: Criticism: The act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything.
:bow: The act or art of analyzing and evaluating or judging the quality of a literary or artistic work, musical performance, art exhibit, dramatic production, etc.

Here are some examples of good and bad criticism

Example: Hey everybody! I'd like somebody to critique my graphic art for this little thing I'm working on! Any help is appreciated! I'd like you guys to state improvements I could do and any little tips and tricks that can make this piece better!
{insert piece of art}
Here a good example on good constructive criticism wrote:Your art looks very lovely! I love how you used texture in this edit and it did it justice! I think if you added a bit more vibrance and tone down the brightness, it will look even more spectacular!
Here's an example on bad criticism wrote:Ehhh.. It's ok? It's super bright though and it's hurting my eyes. And why are the colors so dull?
Example: Hey everybody! I'd like somebody to critique my cosplay for an upcoming contest! Any help is appreciated! I'd like you guys to state improvements I could do and any little tips and tricks that can make this piece better!
{insert piece of art}
Here a good example on good constructive criticism wrote:Your cosplay looks very lovely! I love how you used texture in the skirt and it did it justice! I think if you added a better boot cover and tone down the sparkles, it will look even more spectacular!
Here's an example on bad criticism wrote:Ehhh.. It's ok? Maybe it would look better with some major photoshop? You should find some better shoes and waaay too much sparkles. It looks like a unicorn threw up on you. Less sparkles and better fabric. You have a lot of work ahead of you.
Having that in mind, here are some examples and tips that I found on the internet about constructive criticism.
:bow: Use the Feedback Sandwich method.
The feedback sandwich method is a popular method of giving constructive criticism. It is often used in Toastmasters and in the corporate environment. A simple name I’ve given for the feedback sandwich is PIP, which stands for Positive-Improvement-Positive.
You start off by focusing on the strengths—what you like about the item in question. Then, you provide the criticism—things you didn’t like; the areas of improvement. Lastly, you round off the feedback with (a) a reiteration of the positive comments you gave at the beginning and (b) the positive results that can be expected if the criticism is acted upon.
:bow: Be specific with your feedback.
:bow: Comment on things which can be acted upon.
The whole point of giving feedback is to help the person improve.
Hence, you want to talk about things which the person can do something about, rather than things which are outside of his/her control. Critiquing on the former makes your criticism constructive; critiquing on the latter just makes the person feel bad because he/she can’t do anything about it, even if he/she wants to. While you can make points on latter especially if they are very crucial, balance things out by talking about things he/she can control.
:bow: Give recommendations on how to improve.
When all is said and done, it helps to give recommendations on what the person can do to improve. Firstly, your recommendations will tie up your critique in a nice bow. Everyone has varying perspectives, which means every critique can be interpreted in different ways. Giving your recommendations will give the person a clear idea of what you have in mind. Secondly, giving recommendations provide a strong call-to-action. You want the person to take action on what you have shared, rather than procrastinate.
When giving recommendations, it helps (a) to be specific about the recommendations and (b) to briefly explain the rationale behind the recommendation.

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