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Signature and Avatar Rules

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Joined: 02 Feb 2025, 04:43
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Signature and Avatar Rules

Post by SalyaDarken »

Section I. Avatars
Image Avatar Requirements
  • Max image size for avatars are 150px by 200px.
  • Must conform to a PG-13 rating.
Avatar rules.
  1. Any photo can be used as long as it's a PG photo.
  2. Don't use any avatars of canons that you are not playing.
  3. If you don't know what is allowed, ask Staff.
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Royal Admin
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Userbar: Image

Signature and Avatar Rules

Post by SalyaDarken »

Section II. Signature Requirements

Definition of terms:

Sig / Siggy / Signature
"Signature", can often refer to the main large image (500 x 200 pixels on here) in your signature.
Bumper Sprite Guild Contest Icon Pixel doll Stamps
Image Image WIP WIP Image
100x100 pixels icons often used on the sides of your signature. On Elyasia, these are often prizes given out from events, Role-plays and such. Little pixel dolls similar to old school video games. These can be bought in the Sprite shop or found in a game in the game hall. Won from Guild-only contests. To learn more about our guilds and how to join them, read this. small pixel dolls made by our members. They are given out as gifts, stole in the shops, goodie bags and such. Collectibles that you can get freely every day, by achieving milestones, or purchasing them.
Read all about the stamps here.
Section 1: Rules
Signature Rules:
  • Signatures can be changed as much as you like as long as it conforms with a PG-13 rating.
  • Text: Up to 2 lines.
    --The maximum size allowed for text is Size 18. Lines must be on top or under your signature image.
    --If you have no images in your signature, you can have up to 4 lines of text.
  • Images: Up to 2 lines.
    --Things that may not be stacked (meaning you can not use them in both lines):
    signature image (500 x 200),
  • The maximum width of your entire signature area may not exceed the width of the forum's threads. So if your signature starts stretching threads, then it is too wide. Thou I don't think it can.
    --Any possible arrangement of sprites, guild icons or stamps on the secondary line (the one not containing the sig image) must not be any wider than a signature with two bumpers on either side.
  • These rules can be changed at any time and are enforced at the interpretation and discretion of staff.
Tip! wrote: Signature Rotators
Since you may only use one signature image, if you have multiple sigs you want to use, we recommend using sig rotators such as SigNAvatar and Grumpy Bumpers.

You just need to sign up with a free account, insert all your signature links, then use the rotator link they provide on your signature. Every time the page is refreshed, a new image will be loaded at random. This way you can use all the sig images you want. This method works on bumpers as well.

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