What is this?
This here is one of the few collectables that you can earn on the forums. They are stamps you can gather and put into your "Galley" at the in Member Galleries.
Neato! So What kinds of stamps are there and how to one collects them?
We have quite a few different types!

(achievement stamps)
You can collect this type of stamps by achieving things , you can collect and save them below
(like making x number of posts, earn x number of points, be a member for an x amount of time, etc).

(purchasable stamps)
You can also by packs and sets of stamps in the stamp shop which is WIP.

(collectible stamps)
You can get these the easiest; simply by logging in each day and visiting our daily Stamps Page.
You will get a few stamps and some coin number. (PM Salya the coin number and she will add it to your forum coins.)
You can also play any games in the game hall for more stamps.

Achievements: 030
Purchasable: 00 (goal:20)
Collectible: 050 (goal:300)
Total Stamps Available: 080
Some stamps are not included in the count, such as random event stamps, goodie bag stamps, and stamps that were only available for a limited time by participating in an activity.