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Elyasia's Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

Showcase of Collections gathered from hard work, gifts, and mores
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Elyasia's Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

Post by SalyaDarken »


What is this?
This here is one of the few collectables that you can earn on the forums. They are stamps you can gather and put into your "Galley" at the in Member Galleries.

Neato! So What kinds of stamps are there and how to one collects them?
We have quite a few different types!

(achievement stamps)
You can collect this type of stamps by achieving things , you can collect and save them below
(like making x number of posts, earn x number of points, be a member for an x amount of time, etc).

(purchasable stamps)
You can also by packs and sets of stamps in the stamp shop which is WIP.

(collectible stamps)
You can get these the easiest; simply by logging in each day and visiting our daily Stamps Page.
You will get a few stamps and some coin number. (PM Salya the coin number and she will add it to your forum coins.)
You can also play any games in the game hall for more stamps.

Achievements: 030
Purchasable: 00 (goal:20)
Collectible: 050 (goal:300)
Total Stamps Available: 080

Some stamps are not included in the count, such as random event stamps, goodie bag stamps, and stamps that were only available for a limited time by participating in an activity.
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Elyasia's Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

Post by SalyaDarken »

Before you go collecting-happy, please read the following rules. This is meant to be a fun thing for everyone, but as always, there are some things you need to abide by!
  • Stamp collecting is open to members of all ranks.
  • Only Collectible stamps are to be traded. Therefore, Achievement and Purchasable stamps cannot be traded.This is because they require each member to earn things and spend their own coins.
  • Just like sprites, purchasable stamps come from the Main shops and will change as time goes on. You can only purchase stamps that are currently displayed at the shop at the time of your purchase.
  • Collectible stamps are stamps you can collect once a day on the Collectible Stamps Page and from the Games in the Game Hall.
  • Please only put up stamps in your "gallery" that you have personally collected, achieved, or purchased. We are going to keep an eye on things, but for the most part we trust you to be honest about this. This is meant to be a fun activity, so let's not spoil that, shall we?
  • Stamps are ALLOWED in signatures, please read the Avatar/Signature Rules for details.
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Elyasia's Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

Post by SalyaDarken »

What?! You can Trade?!
Yep but this post is WIP for now. So come back later!
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Elyasia's Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

Post by SalyaDarken »

how to use these?
  • Right Click and choose "Save Img As.."
  • Upload your image to a hosting site, such as imgur
  • Once uploaded, you can now post them in your thread found in the "Galley" at the in Member Galleries.
  • Once you are in your thread, click on this image Image paste your uploaded image link, and hit "insert"
  • If you would like to change the position/alignment of your image, then hit ctrl+a and use the alignment buttons to move it.

Note: Each achievement set is diff.
Anniversary Achievements
Image Image Image Image
(Arc 00 characters)

Post count Achievements
Image Image Image Image

Coins earned Achievements
Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Image

Shopping Achievements


Coins Spent Achievements
Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image
(Canon characters)

Submit items:
One-shots - 1, 5, 10, 25, 20 (Devil May Cry(only Dante, Vergil and Nero))
Artwork - 1, 5, 10, 25, 20 (Chrono Crusade(only Chrono))
Graphics - 1, 5, 10, 25, 20 (Fushigi Yuugi)

Site Benchmarks
B-day Crew - soon
Staff Helpers - soon
Staff member for a day - soon
Host an Event or Game - soon
Join staff - soon

Special Events
Only collect those if you are active when the Event is active.
Grand Opening: Feb 1 to March 1st
Image Image

Image Image Image Image

Staff Achievements

(Yu Yu Hakusho)

Stamp Collector Stamps


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