
face claim: Hiei from YYH
Name: Heei
Nickname(s): none
Birthday: Oct 31
Gender: male
Age: 20+ but looks in his teens
Race: Demon
Hair: black with some white in his bangs (like Hiei)
Eyes: Red
Height: 4'8(maybe)
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Demon Realm
Status: single
Likes: Fire, Annoying Sinta, Napping in trees, training
Dislikes: His father(Hiei), Lyra, crying girls and his princess upset.
Fears: unknown.
Sem/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Background: Heei was born from a fire/ice demon(hiei) and a fox female. He was told that his mother died giving brith to him which he doesn't know if it was true nor not. He was rasied by Kurama and Rose unsure why yet he had a semi-normal childhood. When he went into teenhood, his father taught him how to use a sword and to contorl the darkness frame. Sadly, the dark fire dragon was like a pet to Heei and he didn't need to contorl the dragon fire unlike Hiei. Rose once said that it was because his mother was a fire fox as Kurama would twitched. Well when he was 18, he got into a fight with Hiei and disappeared. He went to 'uncle' Raiko who told him of Elyasia, the one place to get away from his father, which Heei jumped at.
Sadly in Elyasia, he ran into Sinta who he met once or twice in the human realm.

And you will have to read more in the story.


Please draw some pics of Heei. His looks are the same as Hiei but his eyes are a softer red and he's not as cold as Hiei.