Shrine of Otherworld

This is a Shrine to "Lin O." and "Christine" 's fanfic called Otherworld. Elyasia uses this fanfic as a ref but we are not stealing from it. But anyways, on this shrine, you can read all of the fanfic and it's one-shots. Some will have it's photos as others won't since I don't know where the photos go.

About Otherworld:
The Otherworld Series is an Anime Mega Crossover created by "Lin O." and "Christine". The series revolves around Aara, the youngest sister of a group of 5 beautiful princesses and former beings of light who have been charged with guarding the borders of the various realms of a "pseudo-medieval/renaissance" universe. Aara herself has been charged with ruling and guarding the titular Otherworld, a realm in-between and bordered by all of the other 4 realms: the Human World, the Demon World, the Spirit World, and the realm of Suzaku. Along with their god-like powers, the sisters also protect their borders by creating their own harems of (usually half-demon) men to fight for them using an ability known as "bonding". Bonding involves one of the princesses having sex with the "male" in question. This makes the man fall completely in love with and utterly devoted to the princess, as well as gives them some empathic powers that allow them to keep track of their new mate.

The story

Chapters #
Otherworld 0: The Sundering
Otherworld 1
Otherworld 2: Naraku's Revenge
Otherworld 3: Tala
coming Soon
Otherworld 4: The White Tower
coming Soon
Otherworld 5: The Wovles
coming Soon
Otherworld 6: The Mage War
coming Soon
Otherworld 7: The Sleeping
coming Soon
Otherworld 8: The Special Ones
coming Soon
Otherworld 9: Namari
coming Soon
Otherworld 10: The Sacrifice
coming Soon
Otherworld 11: The Awakening
coming Soon


Note: Oth means Otherworld. Also some are linked to nothing since I'm still adding them.
(immediately after Oth0) DAI THE GREEN DRAGON[fanfictions] Done
(300 years after Oth0) THE ANCIENT RITUAL[fanfictions] Done
(300 years after Oth0)SINS OF A RED DRAGON[sagas] Done
(130 years before Oth1)YOUKO KURAMA & THE PLANT[companion oneshots] Done
(116 years before Oth1)KOUGA’S TALE[companion oneshots] Done
(48 years before Oth1) INUTAISHOU & IZAYOI[companion oneshots]Done
(Companion to Ch15) THE RED EYED DEMON--- Done
(Companion to Ch19) THE VIGIL---- Done
(coincides with latter half/ending of Oth1) THE STRENGTH OF LOVE[fanfictions] Done
(After Prologue) ONE DAY, ONE NIGHT[companion oneshots] Done
(immediately after Oth2)THE BLACK UNICORN[companion oneshots]coming Soon
(immediately after Oth2)THE LONG NIGHT[companion oneshots]coming Soon
(few months after Oth2) KOME AND AYALA[companion oneshots]coming Soon
(immediately after “Kome and Ayala”) A FIELD OF FLOWERS[companion oneshots]coming Soon
(6 years after Oth2, 5yrs after “Kome and Ayala”) ONE ENCHANTED EVENING [---?]coming Soon
(exact timeline not stated)VARA AND THE RED DRAGON[sagas]coming Soon
(8 years before Oth3)A POISONED DREAM----coming Soon
(2 years before Oth3)JODAH’S REVENGE [sagas]coming Soon
(One month after Tekki awakens)TDARKNESS [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(2 months before Oth3) THE WATERFALL---coming Soon
(Companion to Oth3, Ch11) WITH EYES OF LOVE----coming Soon
(Alternate/NC17 scene for Oth3, Ch16) THE AWAKENING [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(NC17 scene set during Oth3, Ch20) A SIMPLE MAGIC [companion oneshots]coming Soon
----BAKURA [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(Just before Oth5) AFTERNOON DELIGHT [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(Companion/cutscene to Oth5, Ch16) UNDER A CRESCENT MOON ----coming Soon
(“sometime during Oth5”) SHILO’S VISIONS --- coming Soon
---BOUSHIN’S DREAM [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(Flashbacks to before Oth1, ends immediately before Oth7) FRAGILE DREAMS [sagas]coming Soon
(Companion to Oth6, Ch18) ONE BEAD AT A TIME [fanfictions]coming Soon
(after Oth9, Ch11) SERENDIPITY [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(after Oth9, Ch31) ARASHI [fanfictions]coming Soon
( the ending puts this after 10)NEW ARRIVALS [fanfictions]coming Soon
(immediately after Oth11) FINDOR’S TALE [companion oneshots]coming Soon
(flashbacks to Oth11 final chapters, ends after) LEGACY [fanfictions]coming Soon
(Few months after Oth11) THE SOUND OF MY HEART [fanfictions]coming Soon
(Begins 36 years before Oth1, ends one year after Oth11) KIKYO’S TALE ---- coming Soon

Separate Timeline
(about the reincarnation of Ashara in another world) AMARA AND RATH’S TALE [companion oneshots]coming soon

AU / “Imaginary” Stories
--- HIEI’S SORROW [companion oneshots]coming soon
--- THE DARK AND THE LIGHT [companion oneshots]coming soon

Unrelated Stories
--- THE CHANGELING AND SERENE [companion oneshots]coming soon