click one the tab that you wish to see the note of. you can Email me or message me on the forums if you wish to help.Time Flow
Elyasia follows one day is = to 7 days on Earth but the flow of time feels no difference.
One human year is 360 days in Elyasia.
One day is 160 hours.
Days/Nights are 80 hours each.
Summer time days are 82 hours as the Nights are 78 hours.
Winter time days are 76 hours as the Nights are 84 hours.
Live Spans
Death count is really low unless one is killed.
Death by old age takes a long time.
Humans have short lives
(about 100 years)
Demons/others have normal lives.
(about 1,000 years depending on the race.
Foxes have the longest life span paired to others demons
as any human/half breed have the shortest.)
Dragons have long lives.
(about 50,000 years)
Mages are unknown.
(don 't age after they hit adult age.)
Jan – January has 30 days.
Fin – February has 26 days. Moon only appears as a Full Moon for two long nights.
Mars – March has 30 days. Two new moons here. One at the start of the month and one at the end of the month.
Rain – April has 31 days. New moon always appears in the middle of the month.
Mayfall – May has 30 days. Days start being two hours longer.
Yuna – June has 31 days.
Yula – July has 30 days.
Gust – August has 31 days. Days go back to normal. Windy month.
Aug – September has 30 days.
Wicked – October has 31 days. Days start being getting cold and the nights are 4 hours longer.
Xen - November has 30 days.
Winter – December has 31 days. Snows a lot in this month.
Jan 1. New Years day 27. Yuto and Kura's birthday Fin 14. Heart day(Valentine's day) Mars -Springs starts- 10. Lyra's birthday 30. Soren's birthday |
Rain 5. Rain's birthday 16. Bunny day(Easter) Mayfall -Summer starters- 14. Mother's day 25. Kira's birthday Yuna 3. Ryan's birthday 10. June's birthday 18. Father's day |
Yula 20. Dragon peace day. Day the war ended 21. Yue s birthday 22. Lyne's birthday. Gust -Autumn starts- 3. Lyra's birthday 15. Kilen and Sven's birthday Aug 3. Sin's birthday 5. Lira's birthday |
Wicked 1. Kue's birthday 6. Heei's birthday 14. Kiba's birthday 20. Tara's birthday 30. Hollow eve | Mira's birthday 31. Hollow day Xen -Winter starts- 6. Hiro's birthday 23. Giving eve day 24. Giving day Winter 24. Xmas eve 25. Xmas day |
New Year eve is Winter 31. It 's the last day of the year. At night, there are festivals all over Elyasia that last until deep into the night.
New Year 's day is Jan 1. It 's the first day of the new year. People go the a shrine to make a wish for the new year.
Heart Day is Fin 14. It 's a lot like the human 's Valentine 's day. The guys do something sweet for their lovers/mates.
Spring starts at the beginning of Mars. Spring in Elyasia is when all of the snow is fully gone and the plants come back even more prettier then the year before. In the town of Nyla, there is a spring festival held for Lady Lira. (It 's unsure why though.)
Bunny day is Rain 16. It 's similar to human 's Easter. In Elyasia, they use eggs, given by the crow clans.
Summer starts at the beginning of MayFall. Summer time in Elyasia is when the Sun(?) is the brightish for 3 months aka 91 days. The days are 2 hrs longer as the nights are shorter. It 's hot but it never goes hotter then 100f.
Mother 's day is Mayfall 14. It 's the day where people give thanks to their moms or does something nicer for them.
Father 's day is Yuna 18. It 's similar to Mother 's day but it 's for the fathers.
Dragon Peace day is Yula 20. It 's the day the dragon war finally ended. There are festivals all over Elyasia, thanking the dragons for the peace. Scarcely it 's for Lyne which only the dragons know this.
Autumn starts at the beginning of Gust. It 's when Elyasia is cooling down from Summer. It 's also when the Spirit realm 's portal as well as the shadow realm 's portal start acting odd.
Hollow eve is Wicked 30. It 's the day before Hollow day. On this day, people of Elyasia are getting ready for Hollow day.
Hollow day is Wicked 31. It 's similar to human 's Halloween. Candy is given out to young kids who dress up. Festivals in the horror theme are held at the shrines of each town/city/village.
-Spirits rarely appear but will on this night. Kilen HATES this day since the Shadow realm 's portal opens for a short time.-
Winter starts at the beginning of Xen. It 's when Elyasia starts getting colder. Snow starts to fall in the northern lands before anymore else.
Giving eve is Xen 23 as Giving day is Xen 24. It 's Human 's Thanksgivings eve and day. Its the two days that everyone gives thanks to their love ones and families. There are small festivals in the shrines on both days.
Xmas eve is Winter 24 as Xmas day is Winter 25. Similar to Human 's Christmas eve and day. Gifts are put under small trees in the homes of the people. On the 25th, the gifts are given to whoever. It 's a lot like Christmas. Small festivals are held on the evening of Xmas day in the shrines which are similar to human 's Christmas parties.