
Name: Yuto
Birthday: Jan 27
Gender: Male
Race: Fox Demon
Age: 20+ but looks 5 (he can change his body size)
Hair: Long silverish white hair. He has long bangs and they most of the time stay in his face. XD There is a shorter bang over his nose.
Eyes: Golden eyes
Height: 6'0 (when he is at his true size)
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Demon Realm
Status: Single (Bi)
Likes: napping, sweeting, being held by his mom or being petted by her.
Dislikes: Kura mad, his ears and tail
Marks: none
Fears: unknown
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends but I'm sure that he's mostly Seme.
Story: Yuto was born on a raining night with his twin Kura in one of the caves that his mother hidden in. He was born looking just like his father's demon side, silver hair, ears and such as his twin looked more human and had green eyes with red hair.
For the first 6 years of his life, he didn't really know his father but he knew his uncles who checked on him, his twin and mother. Yuto didn't seem interested in anything that his uncle, Sinta did to him. Sinta would try to play with the chibi of his twin but Yuto wouldn't play. He glared at the older male. So Rose just held him or brushed his hair while Sinta kept Kura busy. Each time Sinta would show up, Kura would go to Sinta as Yuto went to his mom. Rose found it funny but didn't mind it one bit.
It was even more interesting when his other uncle showed up. Yuto was at first always hidding his body behind his mother as Kura just played with whatever he was playing with. It was like Hiei scared the chibi fox as the twin didn't care.
Well one day after 6 years, his father showed up and he wasn't really happy. Sadly, his mother did the most weirdness thing to you can to a young fox and a older pissed off fox, she held Yuto up in front of her to Youko Kurama who calmed down a bit after seeing the chibi him and the chibi redhead. He then noticed something weird about Yuto. He looked 3 years old as Kura looked 6 years old. He questioned Rose as she sat Yuto down.
“He likes his chibi form more.”
((… ok I got to stop now...))
