Want to join the staff

Note: I can't pay anyone, but I can add your OCs into the story as payment.

Here is what we are looking for:
-0/2 Artists [Any from of art is welcome. Edited photos count as art.]
-0/2 Designers [PPl who can use PS or GIMP]
-0/1 Editor/Co-admin [Partner who helps with the story.]


-must be 17 or older!
-must have any email to chat or discord.

-Be able to draw the following; [you don't have to be able to draw all of the following]
  • Animals - small animals to huge animals such as foxes, cats, wolves, dogs, birds, and others
  • Canon characters -such as Inu-yasha, Yusuke, Hiei
  • Mystical animals - such as Dragons.
  • Humanoid forms - human forms from the animals. exp: Youko Kurama
  • Groups and pairings - 2 or more characters in one photo.
  • Adult photos with slightly nude, sex, and hurt with some blood.
  • Scenes. like anime screenshots. Like: this from YYH
-Must show me your skill such as a few drawing or your DA link.
-Must have your own site (optional)
-If you edit photos. Then that is allowed. Just be able to say what you can and can't edit.

About this job:
Your job is to draw out characters (or edit photos to look like the characters), chapter/one-shot scenes, random pairings, couples and such.
You are allow to use Bases on DA if you need to. Or even edit original photos if needed.
Please send pngs/renders to Salya when you can.
-must be 17 or older!
-must have any email to chat or discord.
-Must have your own site (optional)
  • Can use GIMP or Photoshop.
  • Make wallpapers of different sizes.
  • Make 100*100 icon bases, 100*100 icons, and Update icons
  • can make renders/pngs
  • Can make 300x257 banners for chapters/one-shots.
  • Make new headers for layouts.
  • Make buttons as well.

About this job:
You job is to help out with Graphics. such as Icons and Wallpapers.
You may also make layout graphics if you wish.
Ask for renders or if you make some, send them to Salya.
-must be 17 or older!
-must have any email to chat or discord.
-Must have your own site (optional)
-Must be ok to good at writing.
-Be able to write soft to detailed sexual scenes or one-shots.

About this job:
You will be doing the following:
  • Edit,fix and add details to chapters
  • Help with brainstorming
  • help with world building aka Lore chapters/one-shots
  • Collaboration on chapters/one-shots
  • Write one-shots to add to pairings or characters
  • Help make new characters.
There is no deadlines as you can take your time. If you wish for a deadline, just let Salya know.


As I said before, I can't pay since I have no income... and this is just for fun.
So for payment, you will get:
  • Get to add your Character to the story as side characters.
  • Get their ocs paired with a single character
  • Gets to add things to the story.

Your email:

Site or DA:

What are you appling for?:
Your Message: